Our impact

Our purpose is to work in partnership to achieve Chelmsford’s first district-wide Cultural Strategy and give us all a vision that can guide us over the next 10 years.

  • Make the case for a culturally ambitious Chelmsford

    We have brought together community voices and district-wide partners to ensure culture is at the heart of our city’s future. We have commissioned the first district-wide Cultural Strategy, developed a Theory of Change, worked to improve our own governance as a charity, acted as a strategic advisor and advocated for culture in policies and strategies across the district.

  • Engage everyone in a creative future

    A cultural compact for Chelmsford will bring together strategy and community to share our stories for the world to hear. LIkeminded strategic organisations are coming together to form the first Cultural Compact in Essex supported by a network of working groups representing the needs and aspirations of Chelmsford’s communities. We have asked people to share their cultural journeys with us through Number 11, The Meadows a space where everyone could enjoy culture and young people across the district shared their aspirations, took part in active briefs and contributed to an understanding of what creativity means to all of us.

  • Strengthening our creative sector

    Local and regional artists had opportunities to be commissioned in response to #ourculturaljourney campaign. Artists and young people have worked with the public in Number 11, The Meadows, designing our Cultural Strategy, creating videos of people’s creative experiences and live performances exploring what culture means to us all. A learning programme aimed a developing the skills of our creative sector to become more resilient was delivered through a series of online fundraising 101 sessions with experts in grant funding, business development and crowd funding.

Adding value

Over the next 10 years we will work as a Cultural Compact to deliver the Cultural Strategy. We will continue to add value ensuring a legacy of investment in our collective cultural vision transforming the lives of everyone who lives, works, studies and visits Chelmsford.

Communities are driving the change in Chelmsford. We will work in partnership to secure investment that provides opportunities for us all to connect with each other, create pathways to careers, support our creative sector to thrive, increase our sense of wellbeing and make Chelmsford a destination for everyone.

More information on the members of the Cultural Compact and the working groups will be updated at the end of the year.